The Amelia Gray Area

you clueless muse – you don’t read the news cause it bums you out – deep down you know your uses – you make them money and keep your asinine impulses anodyne – can’t help but analyze your every move – i bet you fantasize about me laying on your lap while you think about how much you miss your ex – you slap my back – i snap as hard as you did when she realized your tactics – your lack of prophylactic was tragic cause what we had was truly magic – you smashed it – i had to trash it – i’m not proud of the way i acted – wish that i reacted – didn’t know what was happening – but i kinda like that – i know that it’s wrong – but i was waiting for you to fuck it up – go wipe yourself off you pathetic fuck – can’t even cum on me because you cum all over yourself – ugh – could you feel my distress as you unzipped my dress – always wanted a mess – individuality complex – you always wanted a Me – a photogenic play thing that sucks your dick when it’s ripe – you’ve never had a real problem in your life – your biggest problem is that you are the problem – so yeah i feel kinda sorry for you but mostly – i just want you to fuck me so i can say we fucked and move on – but it’s not that simple – you’re so stock image it’s insane – it’s honestly embarrassing – i can’t help but feel vindictive when i remember i’m the victim – no i’m not i’m complicit – he’s Scott Disick i’m Amelia Gray – is this why you came to LA – to paint your nails and stalk your prey – you will feel the rumble – deep inside the belly of some You – the you that only i know– that only i’ve seen – that makes you not feel like a machine – that electrifies your heart like a defibrillator – an electric current overdose not unlike cocaine or too much Monster – you’re no monster – no you’re worse – you’re normal – you’re like this because everyone is like this – because all of you are like this – and never bothered not to be like this – overall i felt everything – and i am not a victim – i am complicit – i am a willing participant – i took a risk and it paid off – then i said double or nothing and i lost – there’s a you that lives inside me – need someone to exorcize me  – it’s a mistrial – it’s not black and white enough for us – unfortunately – this is gray area behavior – you can’t profit if you’re not crying survivor – but you and i both know that’s a lie – yeah you stuck it in no condom no warning – but i kind of love you for that – you indicted yourself – i didn’t even have to try 



